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How it Works
1.     Signup (Register) as Educator.
2.     Verify your email.
Educator’s Profile
3.     Complete your Educator profile, including personal details, Photo, work experience, education history and other details, define per-hour rates (Profile Creation Tips.pdf). 
4.       Educator Verification: Upload a copy of national photo ID e.g., Passport or driving license, issued by your country of residence/origin.
5.     Educator Schedule on your profile page allows you to setup working days and hours in GMT time zone. (GMT used as standard timeline even if local time zone is different).
6.     Select specific Standard, Class, Subject, and Branches that you are interested in educating. Multiple options can be selected in each category based on your specialization. Notify us to add an additional item e.g. a subject not already in the selection list. You will be notified of the update once the requested addition is validated.
7.       Education History: Upload scanned copy of the certificate of your highest qualification.
8.       Click the checkbox at the bottom of the page once all details are entered. A message will appear that your profile updated successfully. 
9.     Activation of the profile: Profile will be reviewed and approved to go live by the Educator Hub team, within 24 hours of submission. An notification email will be sent to you.
10.  Once the profile is active Educator would be able to receive bookings and correspond with the students.  
Dashboard Tools
11.  Calendar allows Educators to manage class bookings. You can view, confirm, cancel, and reschedule bookings. Note that a booked session can be cancelled or rescheduled 24 hours in advance of the scheduled time.
12.   Fee is collected in advance from Learners for all confirmed bookings, which is released to the Educator once the booked sessions are delivered.
13.  Wallet: Educator can check total earnings for completed classes and can withdraw the balance to designated bank account.
1.     Signup (register) as Student.
2.     Verify your email. 
3.     Complete basic profile 
4.     Search: Apply filters to search for the top Educators, matching your desired criteria.
       a)      Country/ Region
       b)      Language: Primary language for communication and studies.
       c)      Standard: Select Education System/ Qualification e.g., GCSE, ACCA, SAP etc. 
       d)     Subject: Select the subject e.g., Mathematics, Corporate Law etc.
       e)      Branch: Additional filter for higher level of education, for specialized/advance course in a specific branch of study e.g., Applied Mathematics, 
 5.     Browse through the list of Educators profile based on your search criteria. View profiles and contact selected Educators via Chat.
6.     Chat: Use Chat function to introduce yourself to the Educator. Discuss your learning requirement and number of classes to be scheduled. Request free demo class if required.  
7.     To book sessions with selected Educator;
       a)    Login with your user ID.
       b)    Go to Home Page.
       c)     Use the search function on home page or Educators page, with Educator’s ID or Name.
        d)     Go to Educator’s profile.
        e)      Check the available dates and time slot for the session.
        f)       Scroll to the end of profile and use option to book a demo class or book formal sessions with start and end dates and preferred time slot (in GMT time zone).
        g)      Educator will review and confirm the notification of the booking, Student would be required to make the payment.  
8.     After the booked sessions are completed, Educator will receive the payment.
9.     Student has the option to cancel, reschedule booking, 24 hours before the session is due. 
10.  Students can also request Educator-Hub to cancel any future bookings and refund of advance payment, providing a reasonable justification.